Life Changing Quotes in Urdu Hindi (One Line Life Quotes)
Life Changing Quotes in Urdu Hindi (One Line Life Quotes)
The best quotes contain messages that provide wisdom we can carry with us every day and inspire us to be our best selves( One Line Life Quotes ). Let these words fill you with hope and give you the motivation to keep going, even when things are hard. Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else .The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart .When life gets tough, it’s easy to give up hope. These famous quotes are a reminder that life is beautiful and we should live it to the fullest.

Her Shaksh Apni Sunyi Hoi Kahani Main Mukhlis Hota Hy ( 20 Best Short Quotes )

Kitabain Bs Ilm Hi Sikhati Hy Mager Sabk Insan Behtr Sekhaty Hain

Ager Dunya Makaft Amal Hy To Muhabt K Bdly Muhabt Q Nh Milti (Life Quotes )

Jo Chekhain Bahir Nh Ati Wo Insan Ko Ander Sy Kha Jati Hian

Sach Bolny Waloo Ko Methi Batain Krni Nh Atii (Quotes )

Her Shaksh Apni Sunyi Hoi Kahani Main Mukhlis Hota Hy

Bahir Ki Tamam Ranginyaa Ander Ki Aik Udasi Ka Madwa Nh Kr Sktii

Mughy Jb Insano Ki Zrort Mehsoos Hoi Wo Khuda Bn Gy

Her Mor Py Jo Bdly Lain Rasty Asy Ham Safer Sy Perhaze Kro ( Sad Quotes )

Sakoon Banny Waly Akser Intha ki Izeat Main Mubtla Kr Dety Hain

Bnda Mukhlis Ho To Log Bewkoof Samjhty Hain

Aor Phr Kisi Ki Adat Ho Jana Muhabt Ho Jany Sy Bhi Zyada Khaternak Hain

Apny Ehsast K Janazy Kbhi Kbhi Khud Dafnany Prty Hain (Emotional Quotes )

Main Sb Ko Himt Deany Wala Akser Khud Tanhyi Mian Toot K Bikher Jata Hoo

Suni Sunyi Bat Khud Pr Beti Hoi Kafyat Braber Nh Hoti

Bherosy Bouth Totay Lekn Bherosa Krny Ki Adat Nh Choti (Life Quotes )

Nazer Apni Khamyioo Pr Bhi Rikhain Hamesha Ghalt Samny Wala Nh Hota

Dosroo Ki Zindagya Jahanm Bna Kr Sijdoo Main Jaant Mangty Hain Log

Her Mobile Main Kuch Namber Hotay Hain Jo Na Dyle Hoty Hain Na Delete Hoty Hain

Kitabain Bhi Kehti Hain Jo Aik Ho Hy Wo Takseem Nh Ho Skta

Apni Qader Kejiay Sahb Qk Apny Siwa Koi Apna Nh