inspirational quotes on patience !!
inspirational quotes on patience
In this current age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get annoyed very hurriedly over negligible things like a traffic jam, stock market ups and downs, a baby crying and such things. In fact, patience is a virtue that everybody must retain. Patience makes us superior people, Patience is the state of being that occurs between skill and reaction. Whether you’re annoying to be patient with yourself, others, or life, it seems to always involve the practice of dealing with delays or patience in your life it will bring positive change in you

“She was always waiting, it seemed to be her forte.”
D.H. Lawrence,

“I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.”
Margaret Thatcher

“There’s no advantage to hurrying through life.” -Shikamaru Nara”
Masashi Kishimoto
inspirational quotes on patience

“Everybody going to be dead one day, just give them time.”

“Why is patience so important?”
“Because it makes us pay attention.”
Paulo Coelho

“The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
― Aristotle

“Patience is a conquering virtue.”
Geoffrey Chaucer

“He that can have patience can have what he will.”
Benjamin Franklin