10 Best Happy Teachers’ Day\
10 Best Happy Teachers’ Day\

The best teachers teach from the heart,not from the books
A role model can be anybody: a parent, a familial, a friend but some of our most dominant and life-changing role models are teachers.
Teachers are sources of capability. They have already been where their students are going, experienced what they will go through and are in a situation to pass along lessons, not only concerning subject matter, but lessons on life.
The workday for a teacher begins earlier students arrive and may not end till late in the evening. In addition to teaching and counseling students during the day, teachers must grow learner conclusions for lessons and send progress reports to parents.Good teacher is a nation builder ,who struggle for good nation and the prosperity of country,As a student we should respect our teachers ,Because teacher is our well wisher and he wants to see us doing progress ,, and the best teacher teach from heart and create motivation in students ,

A teacher purpose is not to create students in his own images,but to develop students who can create their own images..

You are the key who unlocked my success

Good teacher are the reason ,why ordinary dream to do extraordinary things..

Teaching is not a lost art ,But the regard for it is a lost tradition.

Teacher can change lives with just the,Right mix of chalk and challenges..

You introduced me to myself And showed me the right way thanks for making me who i am

Wishing you joy and happiness ,you are an amazing teacher,and you only deserve the best..

You are not just a teacher to me ,you are also an inspiration ,,Lucky to have you as a guide..

A good teacher can inspire Hope,ignite the imagination,And instill a love of learning,,